December 07, 2003

Under water

I callously forgot to mention the terrible floods in Southern France, especially in Arles. The city apparently has a "basin," an area in which one woud have to literally dig a canal to drain.

The Story so far...

Here is an interesting little flash giving a point by point account of the happenings in Iraq since the fall of Saddam's regime. It's in French.

Ministry of Funny walks re-opened

Pic of the Day

I'm on a shoot at the moment for a US TV series. Expect blogging to be light, possibly until the end of January.

December 01, 2003

Diplomatless Day

Meanwhile over in France. Actually not in France. Everywhere but France employees of embassies and consulates went on strike. International Lycées joined them. The main thrust of the complaint, if I've got it right, is that the Ministère des Affaires Etrangères is employing too many locals.

"A significant victory."

Potentially the smallest strike in Britain was averted today as the union heralded a significant victory in ensuring that the last six security guards who are directly employed by the Department for work and Pensions (DWP) won’t be transferred to the private sector.
